Articles and Op-Eds
Fulcrum Op-Ed on DepolarizingGPT
David Rozado and Steve McIntosh

Data scientist David Rozado and political philosopher Steve McIntosh teamed up to build a political AI in response to the countless reports of how social media is exacerbating political polarization.
The Spiritual Significance of the Rise of AI
Steve McIntosh

As we find that machines can’t become conscious, this illuminates humanity’s higher purpose.
Honoring Both Indigenous and European Traditions
Steve McIntosh

Both kinds of traditional knowledge can be respected and safely included by using a liberal approach.
Does Human Nature Evolve?
Steve McIntosh

What does it mean, in general terms, to be human?
Considering Deracialization: A Response to Glenn Loury
Greg Thomas

We can disentangle ourselves from this gordian knot of racialization
Real Clear Politics Op-Ed on Abortion Rights
Steve McIntosh

By extinguishing Roe v. Wade’s constitutional abortion rights, the court has created the acute need for a national compromise
Can We Make Governing Great Again?
Carter Phipps

Our crisis of expertise is really a crisis of governance
Critique of the Week: David Brooks
Steve McIntosh

Hierarchy and its Discontents
David Storey

Our cultural confusion over hierarchy is a kind of decoder ring for understanding the culture wars
The Politics of Pride and Shame: Integrating 1776 and 1619
Steve McIntosh

A culturally synthetic interpretation of history can help reconcile America’s competing moral systems
It’s the Comet, Stupid!
Carter Phipps

The Problem with “Don’t Look Up” and a call for climate pragmatism
Jazz, the Omni-American Ideal, and a Future Beyond Bigotry
Greg Thomas

Interview from the “Free Black Thought” podcast focusing on a post-progressive approach to anti-racism
Why Centrism Fails and How to Overcome Hyperpolarization
Steve McIntosh

Contemporary political centrism is rooted in a worldview that is in the process of being superseded by the progress of history
Why We Will Grow Together or Grow Apart
David Storey

How and why America’s major worldviews see climate change in such different terms
USA Today Op-Ed: 'Mrs. America' shows how art can bridge our nation's cultural, partisan divisions
Steve McIntosh

Real Clear Politics Op-Ed: Progressives Can Show Evangelicals They Don’t Need Trump
Steve McIntosh

We All Live in California Now
Carter Phipps

California’s dysfunction may represent the future of urban politics in America
Towards a Post-Progressive Political Perspective
Steve McIntosh

Using “cultural intelligence” to integrate more gratitude into our grievances
Fifty Years of Authenticity and All We Got Was the QAnon Shaman
Carter Phipps

When did the anthems of self-acceptance become the soundtracks of insurrection?
Progressive Inclusivity Is Not Inclusive Enough
Josh Leonard

Toward an omni-inclusive post-progressive vision
Why I Am a Radical Moderate
Greg Thomas

In today’s polarized climate, being moderate has become a radical position
Critique of the Week: Jonathan Haidt
Steve McIntosh

Critique of the Week: George Packer’s Four Americas
Steve McIntosh

Critique of the Week: Ross Douthat
Steve McIntosh

Fulcrum Op-Ed: Polarization is more of a cultural problem than a political one
Steve McIntosh

Who Wants to Skip the Civil War?
Carter Phipps

The ethical challenge of our time requires a more complex appreciation of different worldviews
Growing Out of America’s Divided Culture
Steve McIntosh

Keystone College lecture from 2017: text and slides
Appreciating the Upside of Nationalism
Steve McIntosh

Civic Nationalism considered from a developmental perspective, from 2017
Fostering Evolution in Islamic Culture
Steve McIntosh

Cultural evolution is really the only viable permanent solution to radical Islamism, from 2015
Depolarizing the American Mind
Steve McIntosh and Carter Phipps

2014 article proposing a “synthesis platform” designed to address the America’s political stalemate
Climate Change Campaign Plan
Steve McIntosh, Carter Phipps, Elizabeth Debold, and Michael E. Zimmerman

2013 white paper focusing on the cultural dimensions of ameliorating climate change
Invitational Conclaves for Leaders and Luminaries

From 2014 through 2016 the Institute for Cultural Evolution convened a series of invitational conclaves on hyperpolarization