Summer Seminar on the Integral Perspective that Guides Our Work

By Steve McIntosh

Dear Friends of the Institute for Cultural Evolution,

Does the integral political analysis of the Institute for Cultural Evolution (‘ICE’) intrigue you? Would you like to learn more about the thinking and practices that animate ICE’s perspectives? If so, we invite you to join us in August for a three day seminar in Boulder, Colorado, where we will delve into the integral worldview that’s behind our innovative, “post-postmodern think tank.”

The third annual Integral Incubator Seminar will be led by ICE president Steve McIntosh, together with ICE director and host of the Daily Evolver Podcast, Jeff Salzman. Steve and Jeff are good friends, and their complementary teaching styles provide seminar participants with a thoroughly rewarding experience. Here are some testimonials from past Integral Incubator Seminars:

“This was the most helpful experience I’ve had in bringing integral principles to life in practical ways. The term “intergal incubator” fit perfectly. I feel that incubating integral consciousness is bringing a new emergence to life for me. After studying integral philosophy for 20 years, it is now taking practical shape for me.”
— Donnal Walter

“I loved the weekend – thank you, thank you, thank you. Integralists have the reputation of being overly cognitive—there was incredible heart and passion here.”
— Mary Reese Folger

Follow this link to the seminar’s webpage:

The 2017 Integral Incubator Seminar will focus on both integral politics and the science-based perspectives of evolutionary spirituality.

On the political side, participants will learn about the emerging politics of cultural evolution, as well as how an understanding of interdependent polarities can help build political will and make our democracy more functional.

On the spiritual side, we’ll be exploring integral spiritual practice and the finer points of the “spiritual teachings of evolution.” Our exploration of spirituality is pluralistically inclusive and designed to help participants further develop their own motivating “energy of higher purpose,” in service to the greater good.

Thank you for your potential interest in our summer seminar, and for your ongoing interest in our work.

Directors of the Institute for Cultural Evolution

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